Our Bank Details are Swindon u3a 40-52-40 00022105

To contact us please phone, write to the appropriate e-mail address below or visit us during opening hours.

For membership or general enquiries : office@swindonu3a.org.uk

For group enquiries : group.coord@swindonu3a.org.uk

For the trustees: committee@swindonu3a.org.uk

Address:   u3a Office,
Gorse Hill Community Centre,
Chapel Street,
(click here for map)
Opening Hours:   Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon, excluding Bank Holidays.
Telephone:   01793 614629 (answer phone when the office is closed)

Entrance to the office is from the middle black door on the right-hand side of the building, next to the car park.